Meet the Daily Livestock Report Staff: Len Steiner

Len Steiner and his companies have been co-author of the Daily Livestock Report since day one.
Len is a principal in Steiner Consulting Group, an international economic consulting firm that works with retailers, foodservice operators, meat processors and other organizations that have a need to optimize their market performance in the food business. Current clients are in North America, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia/New Zealand.
A major part of the services Steiner Consulting Group provides is the development and implementation of customized proprietary risk management programs. Many of these programs use cattle, hog, feeder cattle, milk, currency, grain, oil, financial instruments and other futures and options contracts. The main focus is in helping firms lay out strategies that optimize both their customer satisfaction performance as well as their long and short-term financial profitability.
A sister company, Steiner Buying Services, Inc., does meat and other food products purchasing for select clients on five continents.
His international practice includes work with clients’: operations; R&D; purchasing; sales; price risk management; and finance departments as well as top executives and boards of directors at client organizations. Len’s background includes top management positions with large retail,
foodservice and meat processing companies which gives him a unique broad perspective. His education background includes: training as a meat cutter; Bachelor degree in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering from the University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology; and a MBA with his thesis written on CME Cattle Futures contracts from the University of Minnesota. His leadership abilities have been recognized by many over the years. He is creative; works hard; understands the food business in general and especially the meat business. Specifically he understands both the nuts and bolts of the business along with the economics of the business and industry. He has made significant contributions to the operational efficiencies, sales growth and profitability of companies and consulting clients in the past and has every expectation of continuing to do so in the decades ahead. He gets the right things done to fix and grow companies.
Other members of the Steiner team include a number of individuals with: MBAs; Masters degrees in Economics; training and experience as chefs; Accounting degrees; experience growing up on farms; as well as experiences growing up in Europe, Australia and North America, mostly with long family histories involved in some form of the food business.